COUN H1R01 - Introduction to Counselling Theory and Skills

Module Details

Module Code: COUN H1R01
Module Title: Introduction to Counselling Theory and Skills
Title: Introduction to Counselling Theory and Skills
Module Level:: 6
Credits:: 20
Module Coordinator: Joseph Collins
Module Author:: Mary Brennan
Module Description: This module aims to aid learners in developing the skills of active listening as part of the Person-Centred Approach. It will present a solid theoretical base underpinning the development of micro-skills grounded in the core conditions of the Person-Centred Counselling tradition. It will also introduce the structure and boundaries of the therapeutic relationship and the therapeutic session. This module aims to help learners to develop a comprehensive understanding of the development of the Humanistic Approach to Psychotherapy. It introduces the Person-Centred theories of Carl Rogers as the core paradigm for the Art Psychotherapy Approach and also incorporates the practical art-based understanding and techniques provided by Natalie Rogers Person Centred Art Therapy Approach.
Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of this module the learner will be able to:
# Learning Outcome Description
LO1 Knowledge: Understand the characteristics of an effective listener in developing Rapport and how this is the’ foundation of skill in Counselling
LO2 Knowledge: Understand the differences between working as an individual and working in a group.
LO3 Knowledge: Begin to understand the nature of the therapeutic relationship and how it uses the counselling skills to communicate empathy and facilitate therapeutic change.
LO4 Knowledge: Understand the Social and Historical context to the development of the Humanistic Approach to Psychotherapy.
LO5 Knowledge: Understand the role of theoretical assumptions and their role in defining and limiting the effective range of convenience for a theoretical approach.
LO6 Knowledge: Identify the key figures in the development of the Humanistic approach and their strands of contribution.
LO7 Knowledge: Describe or outline the Carl Rogers’ core conditions and how they are embodied in the Counselling skills paradigm.
LO8 Knowledge: Describe or outline the Natalie Rogers Person Centred Art Therapy theory and model of change, be able to locate and integrate this understanding with the Art Therapy skills paradigm.
LO9 Skill : Identify and practice the following: 1. Counselling-Microskills: SOLER Skill (Sit Squarely, Open posture, Lean towards the client, Eye contact, Relax). Reflection of Feeling and Content Paraphrasing Reframing Summarising skill Using Empathic highlights Using Immediacy. 2. Understand and use the Ways Paradigm to assess and integrate complementary and co-existing theories.
LO10 Competence: Be able to describe and explain the core conditions of Empathy.
LO11 Competence: Unconditional Positive Regard and Congruence and how these are built synergistically from the Microskills.
LO12 Competence: Become aware of their own blocks to listening and resolve these.
LO13 Competence: Develop awareness and skill with each of the Counselling Micro-skills and demonstrate these in triad practice and in a video recording.
LO14 Competence: Develop the appropriate and timely use of integrated Counselling Micro-skills in Therapy.
LO15 Competence: Be able to locate and integrate their understanding of Carl Rogers’ theoretical model of therapeutic change with the counselling skills and art therapy skills previously acquired.
Module Recommendations

This is prior learning (or a practical skill) that is recommended before enrolment in this module.

No recommendations listed
Co-requisite Modules
9954 CRTV Personal Development 1
Additional Requisite Information
PD101 Personal Development 1
Indicative Content
Module content, organisation and structure
The indicative content/theory should be presented and evidence to support the therapeutic effect of effective listening in the therapeutic relationship, this incorporates basic aspects of the Neurobiological Approach. • Introduction to the Core conditions of Person Centred Counselling. • The role of Active listening in facilitating the development of Rapport. • Introduction to Self-care. • Experiential triad-work • Microskill presentation and practise: • SOLER Skill • Reflection of Feeling and Content Skill • Paraphrasing Skill • Reframing skill • Summarising skill • Using Empathic highlights skill • Using Immediacy skill • Structuring a Psychotherapy session and a Psychotherapy relationship • The role of non-verbal awareness in Therapy • Art Therapy Facilitation Theory, Practice and Ethics • Working with Groups • The use and importance of Supervision and understanding and use of a client contract
Module Content & Assessment
Assessment Breakdown%


Part Time

No Continuous Assessment
Assessment Type Project % of Total Mark 50
Timing n/a Learning Outcomes 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11
Non-marked No
Assessment Description
The Person Centred Approach
Assessment Type Practical/Skills Evaluation % of Total Mark 50
Timing n/a Learning Outcomes 10,12,13,14,15
Non-marked No
Assessment Description
Counselling Skills - Video Process recording
No End of Module Formal Examination
Reassessment Requirement
Exam Board
It is at the discretion of the Examination Board as to what the qualifying criteria are.

SETU Carlow Campus reserves the right to alter the nature and timings of assessment


Module Workload

Workload: Part Time
Workload Type Workload Category Contact Type Workload Description Frequency Average Weekly Learner Workload Hours
Lecture Contact Classroom Demonstrations (2:1 Teaching/Learning) : 15 hours. Mentoring/Small Group Work (1:1 Teaching/Learning) : 10 hours. Directed e-learning : 41 hours. Experiential Art with Group process : 12 hours Per Semester 3.12 78
Independent Learning Time Non Contact Independent learning : 422 hours Per Semester 16.88 422
Total Weekly Contact Hours 3.12
Module Resources
Recommended Book Resources
  • Cully, S. & Bond, T.. (2011), Integrative Counselling Skills in Action, Sage, London.
  • Egan, G.. (2013), The Skilled Helper, Cengage Learning, USA.
  • Malchiodi. C.. (1998), The Art Therapy Sourcebook, NTC, New York.
  • Mearns, D & Throne B. (2007), Person-Centred Counselling in Action, Sage, London.
  • O'Farrell, U.. (2004), Considering Counselling, The Person-Centred Approach, Veritas, London.
  • Rogers, N.. (1993), The Creative Connection, Expressive Arts as Healing, SSB, USA.
  • Rogers, C.. (2002), A Therapist's View of Psychotherapy, On becoming a Person, Constable, UK.
Recommended Article/Paper Resources
  • Psychological, A. A.. (2013), Recognition of psychotherapy effectiveness., Journal of Psychotherapy Integration, 320-330..
Other Resources
Discussion Note: