FARM H3708 - Preparation and Practice for Work Placement

Module Details

Module Code: FARM H3708
Module Title: Preparation and Practice for Work Placement
Title: Preparation and Practice for Work Placement
Module Level:: 7
Credits:: 30
Module Coordinator: Stephen Whelan
Module Author:: Stephen Whelan
Module Description: Work placement is central to the programme. The module provides opportunities for progressive, professional development where the learner can further develop their own interests in the agri-industry. Work placement also offers the learner opportunities put the theories, ideas and activities generated in the taught elements of the programme onto practice. In this way, placements provide experience and examples that can be used to link theory and practice in teaching methodologies such as problem-based learning. It is a 24 week-long placement which will be undertaken in two x 6 week placements on farm and one 12 week placement in agri-industry or a combination thereof depending on the student’s prior learning and whether or not they are travelling abroad for work placement. The aim of the placement will be to develop the managerial and skills based expertise to run an agri-business successfully and sustainably.
Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of this module the learner will be able to:
# Learning Outcome Description
LO1 Demonstrate competencies that characterise modern farming, agribusiness or farm building practice.
LO2 Demonstrate development of skills of analysis, critical thinking, problem solving and reflective practice
LO3 Participate fully under supervision in the day to day running of the farm or agribusiness.
LO4 Carry out farm tasks in a safe and environmentally friendly manner, with due regard for animal welfare
LO5 Develop personal confidence, communications and team working skills in a practical working farm, agribusiness or farm construction firm environment
Module Recommendations

This is prior learning (or a practical skill) that is recommended before enrolment in this module.

No recommendations listed
Co-requisite Modules
No Co-requisite modules listed
Additional Requisite Information
No Co Requisites listed
Indicative Content
Support for the learner:
When the student has identified a placement on a farm or agribusiness, the work placement coordinator assigned to the student will contact the host farmer / agribusiness to discuss the placement in detail. The key person taking responsibility for supervising the student is nominated and given a copy of the Professional Placement Manual. At the beginning of the placement the student and the placement coordinator meet to ensure the student is fully aware of the supports available to him/her and has a full understanding of both their academic and work obligations in respect of the Placement. During the placement the student is visited by his/her work placement coordinator to report on the progress of the placement and to address any problems that may have arisen. The professional placement module has been specifically designed to allow learners in Sustainable Farm Management and Agribusiness, companies and organisations to develop and enhance the sustainability of their businesses in an effective manner while at the same time enabling learners of the IT Carlow to acquire professional experience early in their careers. The professional placement module is of 24 week duration which will be undertaken in blocks of at least six weeks in duration and must include placement in a tillage enterprise, a livestock enterprise and an agri-business upstream (e.g. materials or input provider) or down stream (e.g. processor) to the farm. In circumstances where placement restrictions apply owing to personal limitations, or when unfavourable economic conditions exist, alternative educational and practical programmes will be arranged for the benefit of learners. This would be seen as a most exceptional situation and every effort will be made to ensure that learners avail of the Professional Placement Programme. It is hoped that the college will be able to place learners in organisations such as: • The Department of the Environment • The EPA • Selected farms with a strong business acumen • Agribusinesses upstream or down stream to the farm enterprise
Work Placements Abroad
Opportunities will be explored to provide opportunities for professional work placements in the United States, Australia, New Zealand and on farms and agribusinesses in the EU. The aim of this will be to broaden the learner’s knowledge of different farming systems and environments. Host Farmers and Agribusinesses for Professional Work Placements and for On-Farm Visits will be selected under the following criteria: • They will be outstanding farmers in their chosen category, i.e. dairying, crop production, suckling, sheep farming, pig production, Conservation Agriculture, users of precision farming techniques, artisan food producers, organic farmers and farms using innovative techniques such as anaerobic digestion of slurry, robotic milking machines and other advanced but sustainable farming techniques. • They will have demonstrated an interest in assisting learners in the most modern farming and agribusiness techniques. Hosts will complete and sign the 'International version' of the Professional Work Placement Guide' indicating that they accept responsibility for the line management of the student while on placement at their institution. Learners will be informed that high standards of work will be expected of them during their Professional Work Placement so that both they and the farm/agribusiness achieves maximum benefit from the Placement. Should the learner fail to meet the stated standards he/she will fail this module. Despite the fact that all farms and agribusinesses have different characteristics, every effort will be made by the Institute staff to ensure consistency of the learning experience for each learner. This will be achieved by arranging formal meetings between the learners, host institution and placement coordinator during their placements so that they can be assessed and ensure that each learner will meet the QQI standard and the IT Carlow Quality Assurance Standard for the Work Placement. IT Carlow already has built up a considerable body of experience in managing Professional Work Placements for its Business programmes and this experience, plus the close cooperation with Teagasc and the Irish Farmers Association will be utilised in ensuring the consistency of this module.
Module Content & Assessment
Assessment Breakdown%


Full Time

No Continuous Assessment
Assessment Type Project % of Total Mark 100
Timing n/a Learning Outcomes 1,2,3,4,5
Non-marked No
Assessment Description
This module is assessed on a pass/ fail basis. In Semester 1 of Third Year, students must participate in professional development sessions that are offered by campus. Whilst on placement, students must complete regular diaries of their activities as well as an end of placement project report. The host line manager must also complete a report on the students time in a particular business.
No Practical
No End of Module Formal Examination
Reassessment Requirement
Exam Board
It is at the discretion of the Examination Board as to what the qualifying criteria are.

SETU Carlow Campus reserves the right to alter the nature and timings of assessment


Module Workload

Workload: Full Time
Workload Type Workload Category Contact Type Workload Description Frequency Average Weekly Learner Workload Hours
Contact Hours Contact The student will undertake professional development during Semester 1 of third year where they will be supported in the preparation of CV’s, Interview Skills and letters of Application as well as conducting aptitude and psychometric testing. 12 Weeks per Stage 1.00 12
Contact Hours Contact One to One meetings with placement coordinator 12 Weeks per Stage 0.25 3
Total Weekly Contact Hours 1.25
Module Resources
This module does not have any book resources
Supplementary Article/Paper Resources
  • Irish Farmers Journal.
  • Irish Farmers Monthly.
  • Today's Farm.
Other Resources
Discussion Note: