Module Details

Module Code: DATA
Module Title: Design Studio 3 (Data-led Design)
Title: Design Studio 3 (Data-led Design)
Module Level:: 7
Credits:: 10
Module Coordinator: Eileen Doyle
Module Author:: Colin Deevy
Module Description: The aim of the module is to embed data-led and evidence-based method and process within design decision-making and design practice. The module seeks to extend learner use of primary data-source, such as stakeholder engagement and co-design process, to supplement secondary data-sets to propose design-led problem solution.
Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of this module the learner will be able to:
# Learning Outcome Description
LO1 Learner can analyse primary/secondary data of artefact for problem identification.
LO2 Learner will utilise data to sketch concept and iteration for problem solution.
LO3 Learner will apply academic research ethical guideline when engaging human participants in data-collection.
LO4 Learner can design independently and collaboratively to effect data-led decision and communicate.
Module Recommendations

This is prior learning (or a practical skill) that is recommended before enrolment in this module.

No recommendations listed
Co-requisite Modules
6043 DSGN H2R08 Marketing for Design
6860 DSGN H3425 Prototyping & Surfaces
6861 MODL H3405 Advanced 3D Computer Modelling
Additional Requisite Information
No Co Requisites listed
Indicative Content
ACQUISITION: (listening/reading/observing)
• P12: task planning, group-working & negotiation for optimisation, design data-tools (OOBE/SWOT/persona/mood-style-benchmark boarding/user journey mapping etc.), data analysis techniques, technical documentation, introduction to ethics in design data collection involving human participants, co-design process, reflective practice writing. • P13: task planning/scoping, ethics declaration process, stakeholder engagement process, co-design process, reflective practice process
COLLABORATION: (engaging/sharing/building)
• P12: group (1-3) artefact negotiated purchase, group artefact analysis/findings. • P13: group negotiated plan, group design ethics declaration, group scope/co-design engagement, group directions, group proposal. • MT: inter-group/disciplinary/institutional work tasks.
DISCUSSION: (tutoring/conversing/presenting)
• P12: product purchase, group plan, product disassembly and observation, directions, + group discussions. • P13: planning, ethical requirement/considerations, partner engagement strategies, co-design framing, analysis of data, directions, + group discussion. • MT: group planning/problem interpretation/response/deliovery.
INVESTIGATION: (searching/studying/evaluating)
• P12: introduction and aplication of artefact/user/context analysis tools appropriate to industrial design; out-of-box experience (OOBE), technical data evaluation (ACCESS FM), product analysis (SWOT), product usability, user-experience (UX), user-interaction (UI), product benchmark. • P13: co-design process, ethics in data collection with human participants, reflective practice. • MT: off-site observational field-trip.
PRACTICE: (capturing/doing/communicating)
• P12: sketching, ideating, mapping/modelling, measuring/calculating, communicating, presenting etc. • P13: mapping/modelling, communicating/presenting etc.. • MT: observing, sketching, conceptualising, narrating, role-playing, presenting.
PRODUCTION: (designing/writing/modelling)
• P12: micro-group product assessment findings, individual directions, individual re-design proposal, individual technical data sheets/report, individual reflective practice. • P13: group ethics declaration, group directions, group proposal, group prevention, individual reflective practice. • MT: PP sketch proposals, digital presentations, visual boards
Micro-Task (24/48 hr.)
• MT1: LOOK, SEE, OBSERVE - short micro-group task to identify design/artefact/service within public realm, engage primary observation of public iteration/s, make key observation/s, and propose design intervention/improvements. • MT2: DEPAC - rapid sketching exercise, stimulated by randomly selected cards displaying actions/verbs/adjectives/emotions etc., stimulating iterative random associations; leading to non-non-lineear conceptual idea.
Module Content & Assessment
Assessment Breakdown%
Continuous Assessment100.00%


Full Time

Continuous Assessment
Assessment Type Case Studies % of Total Mark 40
Timing Week 7 Learning Outcomes 1,2,3,4
Non-marked No
Assessment Description
P12: Review Case-study: Assessment of learner knowledge, understanding and application of design research tools, analysis and insight of a small low/mid-priced hand-held consumer electrical/electronic artefact, based on synthesis of primary user engagement feedback with secondary data analysis; informing re-design proposal of an enhanced artefact; focusing on UX/UI, technical specification and/or functional/aesthetic (min. major/minor).
Assessment Type Project % of Total Mark 40
Timing Week 13 Learning Outcomes 1,2,3,4
Non-marked No
Assessment Description
P13-Co-design: Assessment of learner engagement with external partner/s for cross-capacity input, design ethics in data-collection involving human participation, collective problem framing, data collection/analysis (primary and secondary), and co-design ideation, proposal refinement and communication, for problem-solving in mapping context/system/eco-system with a social/commercial/competitive focus.
Assessment Type Reflective Journal % of Total Mark 5
Timing Sem 1 End Learning Outcomes 2,3
Non-marked No
Assessment Description
Learner prepares individual reflection on engagement, collaboration and performance in development of knowledge, skill and competency in design research, process and practice, and state design philosophy, and highlight future learning need/s.
Assessment Type Other % of Total Mark 10
Timing Ongoing Learning Outcomes  
Non-marked No
Assessment Description
Learner awareness, engagement and development of Graduate Attributes is captured on a five Likert Scale range; including module engagement, collaboration, contribution, professionalism, attitude & behaviours etc..
Assessment Type Oral Examination/Interview % of Total Mark 5
Timing Sem 2 End Learning Outcomes 1,2,3,4
Non-marked No
Assessment Description
Learner defends engagement, acquisition, discussion/participation/collaboration, investigation, practice, production, synthesis of learning, and attainment of graduate attributes from across programatic modular content.
No Project
No Practical
No End of Module Formal Examination
Reassessment Requirement
Coursework Only
This module is reassessed solely on the basis of re-submitted coursework. There is no repeat written examination.
Reassessment Description
Mark < 35% = Repeat Module.

SETU Carlow Campus reserves the right to alter the nature and timings of assessment


Module Workload

Workload: Full Time
Workload Type Workload Category Contact Type Workload Description Frequency Average Weekly Learner Workload Hours
Studio Based Learning Contact Lecturer content delivery, and supervised learning (contact), peer-to-peer collaboration in delivery of studio-based task, and tutor/self/peer critique/evaluation. Every Week 11.00 11
Independent Learning Non Contact Individual and peer-to-peer independant and e-learning, to extend knowledge and skill meeting studio-based task delivery, developing competencies and aligning to Institutipnal graduate attributes. Every Week 8.00 8
Total Weekly Contact Hours 11.00
Module Resources
Recommended Book Resources
  • Dan Cuffaro [and six others].. Industrial design reference + specification book, 1st edition. 11, Gloucester, Mass; Rockport Publishers, [ISBN: 1592538479].
  • IDEO. (2015), Human-Centered Design Toolkit, 1st edition. 4, IDEO, p.192, [ISBN: 978-099140631].
  • Jane Forsey. (2016), the Aesthetics of Design, 1st edition. Oxford University Press, Oxford, p.288, [ISBN: 019060042X].
Supplementary Book Resources
  • Alex Milton, Paul Rodgers. Product Design, 1st edition. 6, Laurence King Publishers, p.240, [ISBN: 1856697517].
  • Kevin Henry. Drawing for Product Designers, 1st edition. 11, Laurence King Publishers, p.208, [ISBN: 1856697436].
Recommended Article/Paper Resources
  • T3 Technology & Design.
  • Co Design.
  • New Design.
Supplementary Article/Paper Resources
  • Abitare Design Journal.
  • Design Issues.
  • Design & Culture.
  • Domus.
  • ID Magazine.
  • Blueprint.
  • Designing Journal of Design Research.
  • Wallpaper.
  • Circa.
  • Creative Research.
  • Creative Research.
  • Design Studies.
  • Form International.
Other Resources
Discussion Note: