SETU Carlow Campus reserves the right to alter the nature and timings of assessment
Module Resources
Recommended Book Resources |
Tiernan, Siobhan D., Morley, Michael J. (2019), Modern Management Theory and Practice for Students, in Ireland, 5th Edition. Institute of Public Administration.
Cole, G.A., Kelly, Phil,. (2020), Management Theory and Practice, 9th Ed.. Cengage Learning.
Supplementary Book Resources |
Boddy, David. (2017), Management: An Introduction, 7th Ed.. Pearson Education.
Daft, Richard. (2018), Management, 13th Ed.. Cenage Learning.
Jones, Gareth. and George, Jennifer. (2018), Contemporary Management, 10th Ed.. McGraw Hill.
Linehan, Margaret. (2011), Make That Grade Management, 3rd Ed.. Gill and MacMillan.
Recommended Article/Paper Resources |
Daily Broadsheets with relevant
E-Journals Portal.
Other Resources |
, Irish Management Institute
, Business World