Indicative Content |
Introduction to Cost and Management Accounting
The functions of the Management Accountant;
Elements of cost and cost classification;
Financial and management accounting contrasted.
Accounting for Material and Labour
Stores procedures and documentation; Pricing stores issues (FIFO, LIFO, AVCO),Stores card; EOQ Model;
Labour Costs, Inflated Wages.
Overheads Costs
Overhead absorption method using the traditional approach; Overhead analysis sheet; Blanket overhead absorption rates;
Departmental overhead absorption rates;
Calculation and interpretation of under absorption and over absorption; Absorption of non-production overheads.
Activity Based Costing (ABC)
Reasons for the development of ABC;
Calculating and applying overheads to products using the ABC technique;
Comparison of ABC and traditional overhead absorption methods.
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Module Resources
Recommended Book Resources |
Gail Sheppard. (2011), Management Accounting, 1st. Gill & Macmillan Ltd, p.300, [ISBN: 9780717149964].
Supplementary Book Resources |
Catherine Gowthorpe,. (2008), Management Accounting, 1st. Cengage Learning, [ISBN: 9781844802043].
COLIN. DRURY. Cost and Management Accounting, 9th. [ISBN: 9781473749054].
This module does not have any article/paper resources |
Other Resources |
, Chartered Institute of Management
Accountants. URL,